Ransomware Protection Strategies: Cyber Hygiene for Digital Resilience

Ransomware attacks have been occurring at an alarming rate. Good cyber hygiene is your best defense. This white paper will explore:
  • Threat mitigation approaches
  • Importance network segmentation 
  • The rise in software vulnerabilities 
  • Significance of multi-factor authentication and data protection

Know Your Network

Know Your Network

One of the biggest threats to your cyber security are unknown network devices and hosts connected to your on-premises network or in the cloud. You must know what is in your networks to protect them and you'll need an asset management system to track them. 



Once an attacker gains access, if your network is flat, then the attacker can easily move laterally on your network to find hosts that store PII and other sensitive data. Network segmentation ensures that there is not a free flow of network traffic.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management

The ever increasing number of vulnerabilities means that vulnerability management teams need to work smarter. It's key to prioritize software vulnerabilities, not just by the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, but by factoring in network location and asset value.